Thursday, August 1, 2013

WOTC 2012 backlog

Due to the unfortunate 2012 WOTC law hiatus, the certification process is terribly behind in most states across the nation. To give you an idea of how many applications these offices see in a year, in 2011 each state WOTC office received over 75,000 applications on average. As a WOTC provider, we do everything we can to expedite WOTC Certificates for our clients.
We speak to your WOTC Coordinator’s office on a regular basis to provide any administrative assistance on your behalf that will help move things along. Although applications were accepted in 2012 and the 28 day deadline enforced, each of the fifty state WOTC Offices are significantly behind since they were unable to process and verify eligibility concurrent with the applications being filed with them. Until they get through their backlog of applications we are forced to wait on them, a frustrating situation as we are sure you can understand. Below you will find the most recent update from your state’s WOTC Office.

Status pending
California: Just began releasing 2012 Certificates
Colorado: Up to date and releasing Certificates from applications received as of April 2013
Connecticut: Just started releasing 2012 Certificates
Florida: Will be releasing 2012 Certificates within the next 4-6 weeks
Indiana: Status pending
Iowa: Recently updated to electronic processing and currently processing applications received  as of May 2012.
Kansas: Processing February 2012 applications
Kentucky: Up to date 
and releasing Certificates from applications received as of March 2013
Maryland: Status pending
Caught up and releasing Certificates from applications received as of March 2013
Minnesota: Recently updated to electronic processing and releasing Certificates from applications received as of February 2013.
New Jersey: Currently processing February 2012 applications
North Carolina: Up to date and currently processing applications for February 2013
Ohio: Up to date and processing 2013 applications
Texas: Eight months behind processing 2013 applications

Please know that we are diligently working on your behalf to quickly obtain all pending Certificates by keeping pressure on these offices. Most of you will be able to claim your credit in April 2014 to lower your 2013 tax bill, but the deduction cannot be claimed until the Certificate is officially released by your state WOTC Coordinator’s office. Please remember that your Certificate is valid for 20 years from the date it is issued, so you will be able to use it in the future.

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