Monday, January 14, 2013

Tax Credits for hiring new employees...

WOTC 2013 Update

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit was renewed on January 1, 2013 and extended through December 31, 2013. This valuable $2400.00 tax credit was stalled the entire 2012 calendar year while Congress struggled to agree on tax reform. Now you can apply for the credit and keep that money in your business rather than sending it to Washington.

The WOTC can be applied for when you hire a new employee from one of the following target groups:

  • Designated Community Residents
  • SNAP Recipients
  • TANF Recipients
  • Qualified Ex-Felons
  • Qualified Veterans
  • SSI Recipients

Many busy business owners miss out on this huge tax savings by failing to screen new employees and missing filing deadlines that occur within the first 4 weeks of employment. Don’t ever miss this deadline again and don’t continue to send your hard earned money to Washington.

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